Vocabulary develpment

WHY do we need to work with vocabulary?? It is soo boring!! www.flicr.com, Robin Hutton Every teacher’s nightmare is to have pupils who hate language teaching because it is simply boring. And of course, it is boring, when there is absolutely no context relevance in the teaching and the pupils cannot see the relevance and point of it. That would be a common reaction I would receive from my pupils when teaching vocabulary and assessing in the old fashion way and standard form where they are going to study words and write a definition for the words. I was a young teacher following the textbook, a horrible textbook, I must say. Vocabulary is important in order do to develop your language skills. I often find that the chosen vocabulary in the text we are working with is not processed properly, and the pupils do not seem to be able to use it in context afterwards. This activity I presented to a class of 9 th grade pupils. I chose an act...